

Amateur Radio Notes by Steve Williams (K6SBW)

FCC Amateur Radio Exams are held at 12:00 noon on the third Saturday of even numbered months (February, April, June, August, October and December). If no candidates are there at that time the examiners will leave, as they are all volunteers.

Exams are usually held at the Morton Knights of Columbus Hall, 616 W. David Street, located behind the Morton Post Office. On occasion the exam session will be moved due to schedule conflicts at that location. Check the Calendar and the Upcoming Events page for details and updates.

There will also be testing at Midwest Superfest in September.

Walk-ins are welcome. Please bring a copy of your Radio License (if any) and a copy, and the original and a copy of any of any Certificate of Completion (CSCE) not already acted upon by the FCC. Copies are needed to send with your license application.

Make sure you have the following information or documents: A FRN (FCC Registration Number) is required for first time licensees. If you do not have a number, go to the FCC Universal Licensing System (ULS) to get one. If you are upgrading, your FRN is printed on your existing license. You will also need identification such as a Driver’s License, a picture ID, school ID and a Social Security Number, your existing license (if upgrading) as well as an email address. 

There is no testing fee, but the FCC will collect the $35 license fee when your new license is issued. 

Contact Jake Walters, K9LE at  jacobwalters@outlook.com for more information.