Sunday Night Net Script

Good evening and Welcome to the W9UVI  Sunday  night net. My callsign is_________, MY name is_________ and I will be tonight’s Net Control Station, This net meets on the Peoria Area Amateur Radio Club W9UVI repeater with an output frequency 147.075 MHz and an input frequency of 147.675 MHz .and requires a 156.7 CTCSS tone. The net can also be accessed on the linked K9PEO repeater with an output frequency of 146.850 MHz and an input frequency of 146.250 MHz, using a 103.5 CTCSS tone.

In case of repeater trouble the net will be held on the W9BFD repeater at 146.970 output and 146.370 input, requiring a 103.5 tone.

This net is an informal directed net and is open to any amateur radio operator with 2 meter privileges; the purpose of this net is to share general information, amateur radio news, and club activities. 

Before I take general check In’s, Is there any emergency or priority traffic.  

Hearing none, I will take check ins with CLUB or ARES traffic or announcements only.

Run Club and ARES traffic.

Now I will take EchoLink checkins only. I would ask that as you check in, please state your call sign clearly and use standard phonetics if needed.

Now I will take general checkins. Go ahead.

Run traffic list followed by any additional announcements.

Close the net by saying

Thank you everyone for checking in we had a total of _, this is (callsign) returning the repeater to normal amateur use, till next week 73 All.