The Peoria-Area Amateur Radio Club traces its roots back to the Peoria Amateur Radio Club, which was first established in 1919. The Peoria Amateur Radio Club, one of our predecessors, was one of the first organized amateur radio clubs in the United States. The present club, the Peoria-Area Amateur Radio Club, has evolved from the joining of two clubs in the early 1980s.
At that time, the 85 repeater club merged with the Peoria Amateur Radio Club. Both clubs benefited from the merger. The 85 repeater users gained a larger membership base and financial support for the repeater, while the members of the Peoria Amateur Repeater Club gained a repeater. Today PAARC is affiliated with the Central Illinois Chapter of the American Red Cross. A special thanks to this organization for assisting our club. The American Red Cross provides us with meeting space as well as a location for a club station.
You can contact PAARC or keep up with club activities in various ways, your main source of information is the PAARC FaceBook page or you can use the other avenues listed on our Social Media page.
Board of Directors for 2025
President: Ben Knapp, KD9RYH
Vice Pesident: Jake Walters, K9LE
Secretary: Scott Tranchitella, K9XJT
Treasurer: Darren Weir, KD9HZZ
1 year Director-At-Large – Rich Schmitz, K9RCS
2 year Director-At-Large – Rob Herrin, KD9DBQ
Trustee: Tom Hunt, W8NWG (appointed)
Midwest Superfest™ Chairperson: Darren Weir, KD9HZZ (appointed)
Repeater Chairperson: Jacob Walters, K9LE (appointed)
PAARC-Constitution – Revised – October 2023
PAARC Sexual Harassment Policy Adopted 10-12-2023